You should be meeting new people at each conference, instead of staying in your comfort zone with people you already know, because new people = new business.
But the problem with new people is that you don’t know their names, and it is awkward to have to gaze down at their badge. So, make it a point to peek at the badge before you approach them, and then your conversation will start more naturally.
Also, that will prevent the awkward moments when men gaze down at a woman’s chest to try and read their name while they are talking. Because you may just come across as a creeper.
Be social with whoever is eating next to you, people in hallways, next to you in sessions, during registration, and in the elevator. And always make it a habit to learn their name before you open your mouth (and while they’re not looking).
While my schedule is packed at a given conference, I always schedule open time, so I can say hi to strangers and make new connections.